Good morning netizens! Today is testing, and my dad's birthday. Woohoo! He's always nicer on his birthday. He complimented my hair before he left for work. It was nice.
I'm confident today. Not like, narcissism levels of confidence, just a happy medium of self-love levels of confidence. Yay! I always wear scrub pants to testing days or half days. They're the closest I can get to PJs without being dresscoded.
I had a dream where my arm got bitten off by a bear. But I didn't care for some reason, I just kinda shrugged it off. I'll take it as things might seem scary, but I can take it or something. Either that, or STAY AWAY FROM BEARS!!!!!!!
It took me an embarssing amount of time- but I coded a little banner on the top of my homepage that changes upon reload! It took me so... SO long... but it was pretty easy after I played around with it a bit. Yay!!!
I also made a guestbook. I'm getting ALL my shit together, huh?
Who else but Michael?