Liam Maverick Giuseppe is a really snotty stuck up rich bastard and he only places value in material possessions and he kinda sucks. He has a therapist but Liam just calls him poor all day. He dislikes faux fur but he hates the fact that his mother is an alcoholic. He doesn't have a very good or strong relationship with Lola, he was raised by a nanny. He hates Cami because she's poor as shit. His name means helmet of will which is kinda cool I think. It also means protection because he's protected by a blanket of wealth. His middle name is just because I spun a wheel on car names and got the Ford Maverick. He couldn't punch his way through a wet paper bag, and he's the type of guy to get manicures. He has an affinity for rap music, but he denies it and says he prefers classical music. He goes by he/him but he probably likes the idea of going by he/they. he's cismale, and bi leaning gay, but he has some aroace tendencies.
Cami Scarlet McArthur kinda has it out for everyone. She has a lot of teen angst because she's a poor sack of shit with a single dad. It's really unlikely she'd ever exist because of how terrible Matt's rizz is but whatever. She has braces and she's a little fat. She has her dad's oily skin and she wears a lot of trashy clothes because she doesn't have any women role models in her life. She likes Liam, but she's too poor for him and she knows it. She has this really bad victim complex and she feels like she really has it worse than anyone else. She's also a serial liar. She lies about small things and big things alike. It's kinda icky. She despises Matt for being a sorry piece of shit excuse of a dad, but Matt loves her nonetheless because he knows she's just an angsty teen. As for her name, I'm pretty sure it's just a type of shirt. I dunno. But her middle name is Scarlet because Matt's waifu is Sailor Mars and like. Mars' colour is red. Scarlet is a type of red. I was gonna name her Ruby but I don't like that name because it sucks ass. Maybe I'll change her name to Ruby later but for now it's Cami. Matt calls her Cammy-bear. She goes by she/her, she's cisfemale, and bi with a male preference.
Mila Boy Murphy is a cutiepatootie fisher girl. She has bad vision and she wears her dad's glasses even though their prescription is different because doctors are like wizards to the two of them, and it's kinda scary. She likes scrapbooking. Her dad knits her sweaters. She makes most of her clothes and the only thing she has technology-wise is a very old flip phone, and an old Macintosh with the ball mouse and all. She's friends with Cami. (Possible yuri???) She loves hunting in her forest and she gets seasick often. She likes making friendship bracelets. Her first name means hardworking and dear. Her middle name is Boy because that's just what Andy calls her- Mainly because that's just what Andy's dad called him. She's pretty crafty, and if she was more social, she'd be a girl scout. She goes by she/her but she'd be fine with any pronouns really. She's cisfemale, and bi with a female preference.