cherryHarness: (n) A devil that doesn't haven enough money for Prada.

Maci Morgan Smith

Maci is a 5"3, 124 lb, 15 year old excuse of a human. I write her as a bad person for angst, I don't condone anything she does. She's a Dersite Seer of Heart. She has amber eyes and box blonde hair, with brown roots.


Maci is a troubling case. She's practically irredeemable. When she was a young child, her mother abandonded her, and her father was emotionally absent. Almost as a parrallel to Andy, she had to raise herself. But she didn't know how. Growing up, she blamed herself for everything bad around her. She was confused when puberty hit, and she never had anyone to talk to. She learned to suck it up and think of how much worse it could be.

When she had dated her first boyfriend, and he treated her terribly. She was manipulated, and peer pressured into smoking. She was vulnerable. Andy, being the guy he is, tried to comfort her once she told him what had happened. Maci asked him out, not knowing platonic male attention, and Andy, not wanting to be rude, said yes.

They dated for a while, with Maci having her moments of good-samaritanism. But she soon realized that she had power over Andy. Andy was just as vulnerable as she once was.

She wanted control. She wanted the power she never had previously. And Andy was the perfect target. He tried to be a good boyfriend, giving her gifts, cooking her food, spending time with her, etc. He loved her. He loved seeing her happy.

Maci was slow at first, testing the waters. She'd ignore him, she'd yell at him. Surface stuff. She found that Andy prioritized her. This was a foreign concept to Maci- she ran with it.

Maci began to harm him further. She'd do stuff like putting ciggarettes out on his arms, throwing bottles at him, and forcing him to kiss her. Andy, still fearing her sadness, let it happen. He loved seeing her happy.

Maci was confused. Why did he let her do whatever she wanted? She had never been loved truly, only seeing dating as a hall pass for sex. She kept taking and taking, untill there was only one thing left to take.

Andy refused at first- he knew that he was allowed to. Or at least, he thought he was. Maci threw a fit on how they hadn't even done it yet, and it had been almost a year since they got together. Andy continued refusing. He just wasn't ready for that.

Maci eventually hit him enough to draw a "yes" out of him. By then, Andy wasn't himself. He was colder, more distant. Almost like how Maci had been during her first relationship. But, Andy had Matt at the time.

Maci soon dumped Andy. He wasn't fun anymore. He didn't have that resistance she liked to fight against. He always let it happen. Maci moved on, and threw him away like a used tissue. She walks the streets looking to find another victim.

==> Other OCs.

==> Go home.
