chickSlayet: (n) An eggy weeb who reeks of bad opinions.

Matt Eugene McArther

Matt is 15, 5"2, and 148 lbs. His left eye is green, and his other eye is hazel. He's a Dersite Theif of Hope. has curly ginger hair, and he's pretty damn smelly.

Take the worst person you know. Matt makes them look like Mother Teresa.

Matt is very conflicted. He cares about certain people, but tends to push people away. He's insecure about his abusive dad, his eyes, his weight, and his acne. He likes anime, 4chan, nightcore music, Arlo, and gaming. He's a closeted bisexual. He lives with his mother and sister, and his dad, who isn't the best person ever.

He doesn't get along with his friends- mainly because he pushes him away. He thinks he's about a million times cooler than he really is. Every once in a while he realizes just how shitty he is. He's frantic to try and re-build bridges he's long since burned, only to flip on a dime and push people away again. He really does care, though. He just needs patience and TLC.

He would be a lot more comfortable as a transwoman, but his internalized transphobia and self-worth issues make it so that he identifies as male for his entire life, besides a forum or two. He's loves Arlo, his emo gayboy boyfriend. Oh, and he says anime terms unironically.

==> Other OCs.

==> Go home.
