Hello hi! My name is |
Michael/Seven |
And I am... |
all of the above, alternian, babygirl, bicurious, big brother, bisexual, boy, boy lover, boychick, brother, brunette, cat lover, teen, creative, crip, cripple, Dr., dork, dude, fag, faggot, faggotdude, female impersonator, full of hate, full of love, gay, gay-curious, geek, gender bender, gender dysphoric, gender euphoric, genderqueer, gentleman, guy, happy, homestuck, homestuck fan, human, indigo, indigoblooded, in transition, intelligent, introvert, LGBTQIA, ladyboy, leftist, liberal, lover, Mr., ma'am, male, male-identified, male-souled, man, man-chick, man-loving, me, miss, misses, myself, nerd, new man, opt-out, pansy, part-time, pre-op, pro-choice, queen, queer, questioning, romantic, same gender loving, sensitive, simple, sir, son, straight?, straightly queer, stud, survivor, tranny, trans, trans-friendly, transboy, transguy, transmale, transman, transmasculine, treehugger, troll, truck, undefined, understanding, vanilla, wannabe, whatever, who cares, whole-brained, wizard, YES! |
What's yours? |