OCT 17 2024

Hi Neocities. The bus was thirty nine minutes late today, I counted. I made a big show of getting all dressed up and fancy for some reason, which was very dumb and very foolish of me. Apparently, I am so fashion forward that none of my pants are, well, pants. All I own is skirts, shorts, ripped jeans, and pajama pants that my principal would snipe me if I wore. I stood outside from 6:20, on the dot, to 6:59.

For a good while I was sitting down, my hands clasped together, my mouth blowing hot air into them, and my whole self shivering. I wore my favourite heels today, but they were made of a thin material which got as cold as Santa's asscrack. I also made a somewhat advanced decision to wear a sweater, but I guess I walked under a few too many ladders and broke a few too many mirrors because the wind blew right up the thing and made me feel like I was wearing arm warmers and a crop top.

I was going to write more, but I was insanely tired and I fell asleep on the bus. I'm in band now, and it's alright, I guess. We have a sub, and like all subs, she lets us do whatever we want. I stole a horn from the band closet because I wanted to and I knew I could get away with it because I'm smart. I just jinxed it though, I'm sure. I'm on the C schedule today, which sucks because I'm not looking forward to cinemetography. I learned Buddy Holly and Pink Triangle on the piano for funsies, and I'm about to take a nap.

Cinemetography, to nobody's surprise, sucked. The teacher got heated over nothing, and some kids were debating who was more autistic between the three of them. I had to remake a storyboard three whole times, and the teacher said that I was special, and she called one of the boys "pretty, unlike some of us." while gesturing to me. Afterwards I had to cheer for the volleyball team, and now I'm in science, waiting for lunch. I'm gonna take another nap. I hate this dumb school.

Lunch sucked. I drowned a sandwich in mayo and ate some strawberries. I tasted that twice, unfortunately. My dad and his girlfriend want to move to either Japan or Colorado, which is just about the most retarded thing in the world. They're both weebs, so you can guess why Japan is one of their first options.

I can't wait untill I'm off on my own.

Love, Corey.

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