OCT 16 2024

Hi Neocities! I just finished my lunch and my PSAT testing. It was super long, and I zoomed through the entire thing super quickly. The better half of my time was wasted on waiting on everyone else to finish. I had lasagna for lunch, which was pretty good, but it looked and tasted like pizza, which threw me for a loop. I had my first book club meeting, too, which was pretty awesome, but some dbag with an ice cream haircut called me weird, as if he could talk- I'd say having a haircut that resembles a scoop of rocky road icecream with his dandruff being the marshmellows is weirder than reading a chickflick novel. I find myself looking forward to getting on this site and doing my blog nonsense, so hopefully I'm turning it into a habit.

Speaking of habits, I need to get in the habit of drinking more water, it'll help with my POTS. I drank a whole cup of coffee while waiting on the bus, which was neither smart nor healthy for me, because I spilt the drink on my hands, and now I reek of hazelnuts. I didn't mean to spill it. I didn't trip or anything. My dad pushed me out the door of my trailer thinking I'd be late to the bus, and it was enought to cause me to gracefully stumble down the steps and drench my entire left arm in the lukewarm blend of humiliation and half and half. (Spoiler alert: The bus was running a half hour late, and I had to stand beside the road for somewhere near fourty minutes waiting for a bus from dawn till pluto time in 5 degree weather- I was freezing my ass off.)

It wasn't snowing, but it might has well been, because at least the snow would've reflected some sunlight onto me and warmed me up. I guess next time I'll stick to tea.

My best friend is telling me about some crush of hers, a seven letter name apparently. Lucky me! That's the seventh seven I've seen today. We're passing paper airplanes like we're in kindergarten and not algebra. I'm not sure how to describe it, but I guess I feel more normal. Like I'm a normal teenager guy. I know I'm not, though. My family is all messed up, I have depression and autism, I have a chronic illness, and I've lived in more states and countries then years I've been alive. But for some reason, when I stand next to the mailbox in the mornings, and listen to the radio, and read my silly webcomics, I feel humble, and real. I feel like a fragile little human on a very big rock. I'm starting to like that feeling. It's new and it's weird. I feel like I fit in. Like I finally found the missing puzzle piece I needed to really start understanding myself and my life.

My sister isn't coming home today, she's staying with my grandmother. My dad said it's my fault because I was late to the bus stop, even though I knew the schedule and I knew it would be late. I knew I had time. But I'm still being punished and mansplained to by my dad's girlfriend.

She's this wretched bitch who never leaves me alone. Sydney is her name. She's a demon. I don't know how my dad loves her. She has terrible humour, terrible manners, and TERRIBLE eyebrows. (Yes, Sydney, we can tell you drew them on yourself.) She's a double agent, and she makes my life a thousand times worse.

This is pretty long for my third post, lol. I'll wrap this up.

Wish you were here! Corey.

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